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Albert Escrivà

Postdoctoral researcher

Welcome to my webpage!


I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Nagoya University (QG-lab), in Japan.



Before, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the service of theoretical physics at Brussels University (ULB) in Belgium. In June 2021, I obtained my PhD with a PhD thesis titled "Numerical simulations of primordial black holes".

Research Interests

My current research interest are mainly devoted to Early Universe Cosmology, Primordial Black Holes and Numerical Relativity

SPriBHos code

The SPriBHoS code (Spectral Primordial Black Hole Simulator) can be download here: (see also github web link below)

The code is based on the paper , published in 'Physics of the Dark Universe' Phys.Dark Univ. 27 (2020) 100466

IGWsfSC code

The IGWsfSC code (Induced Gravitational Waves from Smooth Crossover) can be download from the github web link below

The code has been used to obtain some of the results in

github web - Albert Escrivà

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